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83527 1/350 German Navy Type 212 Attack Submarine
83527 1/350 German Navy Type 212 Attack Submarine

Retail Price: $21.99
Scale: 1/350
Brand: Hobbyboss

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 83527

German Navy Type 212 Attack Submarine - The German Type 212 class, also Italian Todaro class, is a highly advanced design of non-nuclear submarine U-Boat developed by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG HDW for the German Navy and Marina Militare It features diesel propulsion and an additional air-independent propulsion AIP system using Siemens proton exchange membrane PEM hydrogen fuel cells The submarine can operate at high speed on diesel power or switch to the AIP system for silent slow cruising, staying submerged for up to three weeks without surfacing and with no exhaust heat The system is also said to be vibration-free, extremely quiet and virtually undetectable